To date, BLIP has helped well more than 1000 clients presenting diverse legal, business, and policy challenges. BLIP accepts clients who require creative legal representation and arguably advance the Internet or digital economy, and for whom expensive legal services would act as a barrier to entry in their respective industries. BLIP has helped clients with incorporation, intellectual property protection, structuring licensing agreements, web documentation, and has also provided litigation support and general legal advice.
Clients are accepted based on the extent to which they provide a good platform for legal training. The clinic endeavors not to presuppose that one client or policy position is more worthy of representation than another client or policy. Nonetheless, BLIP prefers clients who arguably advance the Internet, the digital economy, or intellectual property laws. BLIP only takes on clients who otherwise could not afford private counsel and whose ideas would unlikely evolve into sustainable businesses without its legal support.
When possible, BLIP tries to take on BLS law students and their collaborators pursuing business ventures of their own. This has proven to be worthwhile to both the BLIP students and their client-classmates. BLIP has represented several graduating BLS students and post-graduate students who have decided to take their legal training and create entrepreneurial ventures.

Act Local

Impact Global
Low-income Americans face great disparity obtaining legal aid
The Internet can open up Access to Justice
Currently, there is no single go-to site that collects relevant quality apps, website links, content, and lists of pro-bono counsel across several categories of justice and jurisdictions.
Search engine sites reveal many single-issue specific advertisements, and links to components of what marginalized individuals need (e.g. information about rights, information about steps to take, pro bono assistance), rather than providing access to range of solution to help fulfill needs.
The Access to Justice Initiative
Drawing on BLIP achievements, capabilities, and student/alumni work-to-date, we have launched the Access to Justice initiative to "facilitate aid for populations facing adversity" and are syndicating the vision among academics, federal judges, organizations, and foundations active in the arena.